Sunday, January 17/16
I'm going with "Adventures of a Lifetime" by Coldplay for today's musical entrée.
It's been a low key but kind of busy weekend for me. Nothing major happened but really just a lot of little things combined to keep me going.
Friday night was actually kind of boring as I didn't do a damn thing when I got home other than make some dinner and watch a movie down in the man cave. Went to bed fairly early as my son had the 8am soccer game on Saturday.
For the second week in a row it was a blow out loss and my ex was asking me what is wrong with his coach as he only substitutes one player at a time regardless of how many he has on the bench. In this case we had 5 spares and my son ended up only playing 5 minutes of the first half and about 12 in the second half. Given that I work with numbers I did the math and with 11 total players covering 6 positions, excluding the goalie, it should have worked out to about 13 minutes per player per half or a total of approximately 26 minutes. I'm in the process of writing an email asking him what the basis is for the one by one subs when every other team, my women's team included, uses lines to spare and thus manages to balance out playing time. Now I'm willing to grant he is new at this and did ask for some assistance but my plans for the year were to be out of town on my bachelor weekends up the valley so I didn't step up and offer to help, now the question is whether it's too late to right the ship.
The rest of my Saturday was taken up getting groceries, making a return to Best Buy, picking up some new treats for Moki, visiting Fitness Depot for some resistance bands, hitting the butcher for some stew beef, and my training session with Connor.
This week was upper body as we did some bench presses, arm curls, goblet squats, sled rope pulls, sled pushes, and finished it off with some ab rolls. Man did I ever feel the ab rolls when we were done and I was headed off to do my cardio cool down cycle. Best part of the workout was that even though he had me working my ass off and gasping for air not once did I quit and he even commented that he is starting to see some good shape in my shoulders. Small victories win wars!!!!!
Saturday night was reserved for watching the NFL playoffs where I went 1 for 2 with the win coming in New England over Kansas City and the loss when my beloved Packers went down to Arizona in overtime. How does GB not go for two points at the end of that game is beyond me and something they'll have to answer for over the next few days.
I was up early this morning back at the gym to tackle leg curls, leg presses, and the lat pull ups. I'm still feeling the burn and loving it. Think my legs are starting to look pretty damn good and almost ready for shorts weather lol We won't discuss the belly yet but it's going to get there as well, trust me.
Once home I got all of the materials out for the stew and in the slow cooker for the 8 hour slow cook I like to use to get all the taste possible. Right now my place smells so good and I swear I saw Moki drooling as she just walked out of the kitchen. I'll be sitting down to eat in about 30 minutes and as I walked past the front window noticed that snow is falling, making for perfect conditions to enjoy the stew, the only thing missing is someone to share my masterpiece with.........
Been doing a lot of thinking this weekend and not sure I like what I've come up but think I need more time to go over it all before sharing it with you in a blog entry. First take is that it won't bode well for me as I think I've sort of figured out why I'm single and not sure what I can do about it. Stay tuned and we can address the problem together and maybe come up with either a solution to it or a way that lets me live with it.
My name is Marcus and this blog is about my efforts to be the best father possible, a good friend, master the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards, the ups and downs of dating, and maybe the end result of meeting my one.......................
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