Wednesday, January 27/16
It's not often, well really never so far life to date of the blog, that I post an entry about a television show but here I am doing just that for tonight's season premiere of Suits.
I've posted about movies and how they make me feel but never a TV show but this one is different for a couple of reasons. First being the characters are just so good and well developed you can't help loving some and hating others. In the first camp reside Harvey, Mike, Rachel, and Donna. where the second camp is home to Louis, Daniel, and sometimes Jessica. Secondly, well I used to watch this with a certain someone and we really enjoyed commenting about the plot as it developed over the course of the show and season. The final reason is that I can relate to Harvey, Mike, Louis, and possibly even Daniel Hardman.
The funny thing is I've started to watch Billions and while I hate the character of Daniel Hardman as played by David Costabile on Suits I love him as Mike "Wags" Wagner on Billions. Go figure...
So if you haven't seen Suits yet I highly recommend it and if you're already a fan....well points for you in the Book of Marcus ;-)
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