Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Does Religion Factor Into My Decision On Whether To Date Someone?

Tuesday, January 12/16

So I received an interesting email the other day on the dating site and it made me think a bit before I responded.

I was asked if whether a person believes in God is important enough to me to impact if I'd consider dating them.

The truth is yes, it would have an impact on my decision as while I'm not super religious, trust me the Westboro Baptist Church would have a field day if they ever got into my head and could read my thoughts on any number of subjects, it does play a part in my life.

I believe in God. Pretty simple statement in itself but there are constraints to that belief and that shouldn't come as any surprise to you if you've been reading the blog.

I guess you could say I'm an evolved creationist. Think about that for a moment and I dare you not to smile when it sinks in..........

I absolutely belief that God created the universe and I also belief that there was a Big Bang that saw the proliferation of suns, planets, and life forms, with these life forms evolving over time as conditions changed, and to really mix things up they evolved according to Darwin's Theory in that only the strong survive.

Kind of heady mix of things if I do say so myself. Now let me explain what this all means.

Somebody, we'll call him/her God for want of a better moniker, had to create that first cell, no matter how tiny, and than in my way of thinking, they wandered off and let things happen. This led to the big bang and what we sell all around us.

See what I've done there? Managed to cover myself with both viewpoints and maybe, just maybe, secured my place in a better place when my time is done here on the old blue ball we call Earth.

Seriously, I do believe in God but I'm also of the thought that he/she might be a tad too busy to actually monitor everything each sentient being across the myriad of galaxies is doing at any one time. Now I've probably gone and pissed off WBC once more by daring to suggest that we might not be alone in the universe but I'm ok with pushing those boundaries. After all this is the same group that would have roasted marsh mellows over Galileo if given the chance to burn him alive as a heretic.

I believe in God. He's kind of busy doing other things and leaves us to lead our lives the best we can and will probably make an appearance again if he royally screw things up, but until that time he's hands off and taking care of creating other cool universes, probably one's where they don't kill each other over religion or ethnic grounds, we can hope can't we?

So because I believe in God  I can say whether anyone I am attracted too does as well is kind of important to me, but not absolute.

I can see you gasping and covering your faces with your hands in shock so lets continue the meandering walk through my mind and logic.

I'd love for you to believe in God. I'm not even going to say he has to be called God as I'm pretty cool with Confucius, Buddha, and Allah just to use some other descriptors as long as your deity isn't a vengeful deity and you don't use him an excuse to wage war on those you don't like.

I'm even going to go so far as to say I'm willing to accept you if you tell me you are an agnostic as at least that way you are being equal to his existence as well as doubting it at the same time.

If you tell me you are an atheist than I'm going to wish you well, not say a prayer for you as you're on your own my friend, and let you go your own separate way.

So in the end your beliefs do come into play in one way or another when I make a conscientious decision to pursue things with you.

Now that you know where I stand let the debate begin :)

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