Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Message From A Follower That Was Like A Slap To The Face

Saturday, December 09/16

Heard this one coming home this morning from watching my son's soccer team get blown out 5-2 and it reminded me how much I like this group. "These Days" by The Foo Fighters

So this morning I awoke to a message from C about my issues in dealing with C's breaking things off with me.  No, not the same C at all and it made me realize I know a lot of people whose name starts with the letter C, including my own daughter :)

It started off just asking how I was doing and sort of built from there. I've copied the conversation below so you can see it.

C: How are you?
M: Meh.....battling the possibility of tipping over into the abyss

C: You mean dating?
M: Everything

C: Or do you mean going to see C
M: Not even sure what I'm doing these days to be honest

C: Well good luck with your choices. If yo want to talk I'm here
M: Thanks. Just having a hard time lately

and then came this......

C:Maybe you do need to decide what you're doing so you can move one way or the other. Either go see her, go for it and either win or lose. Or put it behind you and start dating. Be prepared to live with the consequences if you see her. From what you said about your Christmas reach out I'm surprised you are thinking of that. It's time to LIVE your life Marcus, no one deserves for you to stop living your life for them. You've been in limbo long enough. Sorry if I'm harsh. I'm trying to move on in my life. You can do it and you will do better for it. You must miss being close to a woman.

I haven't responded to the last message as the last line really hit home.....just this morning I woke up and lay in bed thinking how much it sucked to wake up alone, how I never knew how much I'd come to enjoy the warmth of a body next to mine, the comfort of feeling her pressed up against me.

I received another message from a follower that basically told me that I'd be so pissed off if someone told me they'd been wallowing in all of this self doubt and pity like I've been and maybe I needed to make a decision and get the hell on with my life. Bottom line it's time to cook the meal or get the hell out of the kitchen. Yes, I know that isn't really how that saying goes but every now and than I try and keep the swearing down to a bare minimum and saying it's time to shit or get off the pot didn't seem appropriate.........

So I have a training session at 12:30 with Connor and will be in much pain afterwards but I've got one thing to do this afternoon and than I'm going to be moving onwards with my life.

Apologies for being such a drama king the last little while and thanks to all who've written to offer me encouragement. It means a lot more than you'll know.

I've closed the door that seemed to be trying to lure me to the edge of the abyss and am opening another one that I hopes offers me some ray of hope........

My name is Marcus and this blog is about my efforts to be the best father and friend possible, my attempts to master the perfect 8 iron from 135 yards, dating wins and losses, and if I'm lucky at some point maybe my one will tap me on the shoulder and say "Hi, my name is......."

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