Friday, January 29/16
So with the return of my ex from her holiday we are slowly getting our custody schedule back on track. Last weekend was supposed to be her weekend with the boy but being down south sort of made that difficult to accomplish so he was with me, now my week is supposed to start today but he'll be with his mom this weekend through Sunday midday and than we're back to our regular weeks.
This means I'm in bachelor mode through Sunday and than have next weekend in bachelor mode as well so lots of free time for me, now if it was just the summer and I could find someway to fill those days.........oh wait...I do have a hobby that would let me fill the time........some people might call my love of golf an addiction but I prefer to say I am committed to my sport as it sounds so much nicer.
I don't really have big plans other then the in the morning, grab some groceries, training with Conner at noon, and then I'm free and clear.........I can possibly see a movie in my future but not sure which one yet.......and some time spent making Moki happy as the saying goes.....happy puppy, happy owner :-)
Managed to get my hair cut yesterday at lunch, hate when it gets all raggedy, grabbed Moki a bag of dog food at the vet's office, and ended the day relaxing as I had a nice little Cesar salad with some grilled chicken paired up with a chilled glass of Mezza Corona Pinot Grigrio as I watched the Suits episode from Wednesday. I won't give any spoiler alerts other than to say...WOW!!!!!!!!!
Thinking tonight might include some time at the gym and possibly continuing my efforts to consolidate the multiple music libraries I've somehow created on my PC over the past few years. Once that is done I can blow them all off the hard disk and just work from the new master.
All of this sounds kind of boring but it is what I've got going on at the moment.
What doe your weekend look like?
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