Sunday, January 31/16
Well here we are the last day of the first month of the new year. Has it been a good one for you so far or just another month?
Mine has been both extraordinary and ordinary depending on the day in question. Extraordinary doesn't mean good but rather something out of the ordinary, be it good or bad, so rest assured nothing super has happened to me so far this year, but hey the year is still young so who knows what might happen over the remaining 334 days to come..........
Last night was uneventful other than going to see a movie by myself and coming home to crack open a bottle of Pinot Grigio while reading with some music playing in the background. I think those are Moki's favourite kind of nights as she curls up in my lap and falls asleep :-)
Today will be classed as just ordinary as I've done nothing special nor do I have any major plans for the rest of my day other than going to watch my daughters soccer game at 4pm. I guess I should be thankful both my kids play a lot of soccer as it does help to fill those empty moments and gives me something to think about thus relieving my brain from it's tendency to constantly reflect on my life and what has transpired over the last few years, again both good and bad.
I've just finished cleaning the house and doing some laundry, a single person's greatest joy he thinks not, and will now do some research on how to make a good cream of celery soup. I've decided to broaden my culinary skills and I've always loved a well made cream of celery soup so think it is now time I try my hand at one and maybe add it to my portfolio.
I'm planning on doing a pork roast paired up with some roasted potatoes and green beans for dinner tomorrow night, following some directions given to me by C that result in a really nice meal. Think this time I'll layer some diced onions underneath the roast to add some more flavour.
Next Saturday may involve a trip down to Westport to this little spice shoppe someone showed me as I've noticed my bottles of Herb & Garlic Seasoning and Herb Salt are getting dangerously low. While there I'll see what other seasonings I can add to my growing collection and help me in becoming a better cook. I don't like cooking for just myself and since I'm not seeing anyone that leaves my poor son to serve as guinea pig for my experiments :-)
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