Today's musical recommendation - Fallin' by
Alicia Keys
October 13/11
Webster's dictionary lists the main definition of baggage as suitcases, trunks, and personal belongings of travelers. It also tosses in the following definition based on modern thinking: intangible things (as feelings, circumstances, or beliefs) that get in the way
First off I'd like to take the position that anyone who has had a relationship that lasted longer than a year or resulted in children has some baggage and move forward from there. Additionally, anyone who claims they have no baggage is lying to themselves and the world around them.
How can you not have been influenced by that person, the one to whom you bared your heart and soul...
Baggage isn't necessarily a bad thing or a good thing. It really is part of life and growing as a person.
Baggage can take many forms......children are one of the most visible and for my part I'm not one of those people who view children as baggage but will admit I've heard them called that. Hell, I've actually had a woman make that comment about my son and his young age......"I'm not looking to date a man with such young baggage"....needless to say that was a very quick date lol
So back to baggage.......I've got some......hell if I didn't I'd be worried about my mental state and ability to be in a relationship. I've been in two long term relationships in my life....long term as in 10+ years....and both left me with some baggage.....but baggage I've learned to deal with and am able to store in the overhead compartment of any major airline. Isn't that really the key...being able to deal with it and move on with life?
My baggage from the first is really all self-inflicted and something that wasn't that big of an issue in my life at really any point. I came to the realization that we were really on two different life paths and tried to discuss it with her.....she didn't see it and spent weeks trying to show how we were both seeking the same thing.....except I wanted kids and she didn't, I wanted a house and she loved living in an apartment, and I was quite happy living where we did and she was bound and determined to get me to see how awesome it would be to live in New York or Chicago.........and maybe they are great cities, just not for me lol
There was one final event that happened between us that convinced me that ending things was the right choice for not only me but her as well. Our parting wasn't pleasant but it wasn't as bitter as it could have been so for that I'm grateful.
It opened my eyes to what I really desired so that when my current ex came into my life I was ready to make some major changes to be with her and her daughter (eventually to become my daughter legally) but that is a story for another time.....should I ever feel the need to share it that is lol
So what baggage do I carry from the second LTR? Well I didn't communicate my feelings very well, I know some of you are gasping as you read this seeing as how I seem to do so well with this blog, but I think a sort of acceptance of how things were crept into the relationship and I took certain things for granted.....she ended up feeling like a friend and that as they say was the beginning of the end for my baggage is the feeling of neglect I showed someone who really meant the world to me for a variety of reasons.
I spent the first year of the separation in therapy....not something men are told is ok to embrace as they are growing up but something we all need in order to get our heads straight.......and once I was able to see what I did wrong, what we did wrong, and what she did wrong, I was able to look at what I might bring to a new relationship as well as what I could expect from said relationship.
Baggage doesn't always go away, I still regret the end of both relationships but know they ended for the right reasons and left both of us better off and ready for the next challenge to come our way, but it does get easier to manage if you acknowledge it and deal with it before attempting any new liaisons.
October 13/11
Webster's dictionary lists the main definition of baggage as suitcases, trunks, and personal belongings of travelers. It also tosses in the following definition based on modern thinking: intangible things (as feelings, circumstances, or beliefs) that get in the way
First off I'd like to take the position that anyone who has had a relationship that lasted longer than a year or resulted in children has some baggage and move forward from there. Additionally, anyone who claims they have no baggage is lying to themselves and the world around them.
How can you not have been influenced by that person, the one to whom you bared your heart and soul...
Baggage isn't necessarily a bad thing or a good thing. It really is part of life and growing as a person.
Baggage can take many forms......children are one of the most visible and for my part I'm not one of those people who view children as baggage but will admit I've heard them called that. Hell, I've actually had a woman make that comment about my son and his young age......"I'm not looking to date a man with such young baggage"....needless to say that was a very quick date lol
So back to baggage.......I've got some......hell if I didn't I'd be worried about my mental state and ability to be in a relationship. I've been in two long term relationships in my life....long term as in 10+ years....and both left me with some baggage.....but baggage I've learned to deal with and am able to store in the overhead compartment of any major airline. Isn't that really the key...being able to deal with it and move on with life?
My baggage from the first is really all self-inflicted and something that wasn't that big of an issue in my life at really any point. I came to the realization that we were really on two different life paths and tried to discuss it with her.....she didn't see it and spent weeks trying to show how we were both seeking the same thing.....except I wanted kids and she didn't, I wanted a house and she loved living in an apartment, and I was quite happy living where we did and she was bound and determined to get me to see how awesome it would be to live in New York or Chicago.........and maybe they are great cities, just not for me lol
There was one final event that happened between us that convinced me that ending things was the right choice for not only me but her as well. Our parting wasn't pleasant but it wasn't as bitter as it could have been so for that I'm grateful.
It opened my eyes to what I really desired so that when my current ex came into my life I was ready to make some major changes to be with her and her daughter (eventually to become my daughter legally) but that is a story for another time.....should I ever feel the need to share it that is lol
So what baggage do I carry from the second LTR? Well I didn't communicate my feelings very well, I know some of you are gasping as you read this seeing as how I seem to do so well with this blog, but I think a sort of acceptance of how things were crept into the relationship and I took certain things for granted.....she ended up feeling like a friend and that as they say was the beginning of the end for my baggage is the feeling of neglect I showed someone who really meant the world to me for a variety of reasons.
I spent the first year of the separation in therapy....not something men are told is ok to embrace as they are growing up but something we all need in order to get our heads straight.......and once I was able to see what I did wrong, what we did wrong, and what she did wrong, I was able to look at what I might bring to a new relationship as well as what I could expect from said relationship.
Baggage doesn't always go away, I still regret the end of both relationships but know they ended for the right reasons and left both of us better off and ready for the next challenge to come our way, but it does get easier to manage if you acknowledge it and deal with it before attempting any new liaisons.