Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today's musical recommendation - Fallin' by Alicia Keys


October 13/11

Webster's dictionary lists the main definition of baggage as suitcases, trunks, and personal belongings of travelers. It also tosses in the following definition based on modern thinking: intangible things (as feelings, circumstances, or beliefs) that get in the way

First off I'd like to take the position that anyone who has had a relationship that lasted longer than a year or resulted in children has some baggage and move forward from there. Additionally, anyone who claims they have no baggage is lying to themselves and the world around them.

How can you not have been influenced by that person, the one to whom you bared your heart and soul...

Baggage isn't necessarily a bad thing or a good thing. It really is part of life and growing as a person.

Baggage can take many forms......children are one of the most visible and for my part I'm not one of those people who view children as baggage but will admit I've heard them called that. Hell, I've actually had a woman make that comment about my son and his young age......"I'm not looking to date a man with such young baggage"....needless to say that was a very quick date lol

So back to baggage.......I've got some......hell if I didn't I'd be worried about my mental state and ability to be in a relationship. I've been in two long term relationships in my life....long term as in 10+ years....and both left me with some baggage.....but baggage I've learned to deal with and am able to store in the overhead compartment of any major airline. Isn't that really the key...being able to deal with it and move on with life?

My baggage from the first is really all self-inflicted and something that wasn't that big of an issue in my life at really any point. I came to the realization that we were really on two different life paths and tried to discuss it with her.....she didn't see it and spent weeks trying to show how we were both seeking the same thing.....except I wanted kids and she didn't, I wanted a house and she loved living in an apartment, and I was quite happy living where we did and she was bound and determined to get me to see how awesome it would be to live in New York or Chicago.........and maybe they are great cities, just not for me lol

There was one final event that happened between us that convinced me that ending things was the right choice for not only me but her as well. Our parting wasn't pleasant but it wasn't as bitter as it could have been so for that I'm grateful.

It opened my eyes to what I really desired so that when my current ex came into my life I was ready to make some major changes to be with her and her daughter (eventually to become my daughter legally) but that is a story for another time.....should I ever feel the need to share it that is lol

So what baggage do I carry from the second LTR? Well I didn't communicate my feelings very well, I know some of you are gasping as you read this seeing as how I seem to do so well with this blog, but I think a sort of acceptance of how things were crept into the relationship and I took certain things for granted.....she ended up feeling like a friend and that as they say was the beginning of the end for my baggage is the feeling of neglect I showed someone who really meant the world to me for a variety of reasons.

I spent the first year of the separation in therapy....not something men are told is ok to embrace as they are growing up but something we all need in order to get our heads straight.......and once I was able to see what I did wrong, what we did wrong, and what she did wrong, I was able to look at what I might bring to a new relationship as well as what I could expect from said relationship.

Baggage doesn't always go away, I still regret the end of both relationships but know they ended for the right reasons and left both of us better off and ready for the next challenge to come our way, but it does get easier to manage if you acknowledge it and deal with it before attempting any new liaisons.

POF Profile Questions

Today's musical recommendation - "Come Away with Me" by Nora Jones


October 10/11

Ok, I had a response from Elizabeth about knowing one's neighbours and she said her street is really quite friendly and they know and help each other all the time. I'm hoping that my street develops that since we are for the most part all new to the 'hood' lol

I've been thinking about today's post for a little while and thought what better time to blog then right now :)

I totally get some of the things that POF asks you about when creating your profile but some others leave me scratching my head wondering what they heck they are thinking......

Let's start with the obvious selections.....age, city, smoking status, drinking status, drugs usage, and kids.

These I get as I like to know if someone smokes, drinks, or does drugs. What makes me laugh is that POF then goes onto ask if you'll date someone who smokes but never thinks to ask the same about someone who does drugs. Now admittedly I haven't come across many profiles that say they use drugs but if they are going to ask one than ask the other as well.

Age and city make perfect sense as I know I'm not looking to meet someone who lives in Toronto or is young enough to be my daughter or old enough to be my mother.....surprisingly enough I've gotten messages from both ends of the age spectrum lol

As for age I find it amusing to see some of the age range restrictions people use. I came across one 45 year old woman who listed her age range as she was looking to go 15 years younger and 5 years older.....much of a cougar lol??

Kids make sense as some people don't want to date anyone with younger kids as they might have already done that phase of life and have no wish to revisit it. I know when I used to read profiles that said didn't want kids it made me hesitate to make contact as the first thinking is they probably aren't into kids and having a 12 y/o son kind of makes that a deal breaker on my end. It was nice to see a new criteria pop up asking if I would date someone with kids....the answer is yes.....are you kidding me? What better way to relive some great moments than through the eyes of a kid :))

I think the whole kid issue works against me given my age and the age of my son. The majority of women my age are past that stage and looking for someone with lots of freedom and the women who have kids my sons age are younger than I am so don't think of me as viable boyfriend material.....but as my friend Deborah likes to say "It is what it is and you better learn to live with it" words from a smart woman

Now there are a couple of selection criteria that leave me baffled.....eye colour and pets

Really? POF thinks we are on here winnowing down the pool based on the colour of a potential matches eyes? So not even coming into play when I think of things upon which to base my decision. Same holds true for pets. I've had dogs and cats and will be getting a new puppy next Friday. I've dated women with cats and dogs and those without. Maybe the issue is allergies.......but I've read enough profiles to know that when someone has an allergy that is sever they usually say so on the profile.

What about income? Are they telling me that they match me against women with comparable income levels? What if I wanted a sugar momma? That seems to hurt those efforts quite a bit. Truth be told I'm able to take care of me and mine and only ask that you be able to do so as well. I've met women who worked in retail and were just getting by and those who worked as executives and found something to like about both so income is kind of silly. That is almost like saying I'll only date is hard enough at my age without cutting the potential pool of candidates down based on things like eye colour, hair colour, pets, and income.

I had a long term relationship when I lived in the states with a university educated woman who literally drove me nuts with her poor grammar and spelling. My ex is a very smart woman who completed college but didn't go onto university for financial reasons.....she more than holds her own in debates and it was one of the things I liked most about her.....her ability to synthesize an issue and have a reasonable discussion about it.

So when you are looking at profiles do you sit there and keep a score based on the criteria set forth by POF or do you do what I do.......respond based on your initial reaction to the profile and picture??


Today's musical recommendation - "Let it Die" by The Foo Fighters


October 8/11

So I recently bought my own place, well I traded monthly rent for a monthly mortgage payment to be more exact lol - and met my next door neighbors mother this morning when I came home from golf.

She startled me when she said hello from the side door as I was bringing my clubs onto the deck to clean them off and introduced herself as Kerry's mom whom she was sure I already knew....I had to sheepishly admit that I'd said hello to her daughter on several occasions over the past few weeks without ever formally introducing myself to her or even knowing her name. The odd thing is that I know my neighbor on the other side as we met the night I locked myself out of my house the very first night I got the keys. She came over to chat while I was waiting for the locksmith lol

Now one neighbor I know her name (Sarah), that she has 2 children (daughter a year older than my son and a son two years younger), and she bought her place about a year ago after she divorced her husband.

Today I found out from Judy, Kerry's mom, that not only did Kerry buy her place a little over a year ago but so did the neighbor on the other side of her. So that makes four homes in a row that changed ownership over the last 13 months or so.

So meeting Kerry's mom got me to thinking that I really don't know my neighbors all that well and didn't know my neighbors at all in my old apartment building, and compared this to what it was like growing up where everyone knew everyone. Heck we knew the people 7 houses down each side from us lol

So is this a sign of the times that we are all too busy to meet one another and get a feel for who we share a driveway or common wall with? Have we become insulated to those around us and only worry about the friends we had prior to moving?

I really don't know the answers to those questions but I do know this...tomorrow when I rake the leaves off my front lawn I'll add Sarah's yard to mine so they look nice and when the snow hits I won't just do my half of the drive way but also Kerry's....why?........isn't that what neighbours do for one another??

Anyways, wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a relaxing long weekend. Mine is filled with golf, hockey for my son, and some chores around the new place :)

A Face You Know But Not From Where

Today's musical recommendation - "Feel it in my bones" by Tegan & Sara


October 5/11

Have you ever seen someone while out doing your daily thing and had the distinct impression you've seen them before??

I've had this happen twice in the past month and one left me feeling like a complete idiot.

The first was when I was filling my Tucson at the Shell in Bells Corners. The woman across the island from me smiled and gave me that look that says we know one another. I smiled back, what else was I to do, as I was wracking my brains to try and figure out where I knew her from. She must have paid at the pump as when she was done she got her in car and drive off with a little wave goodbye. I paid and then headed off to work when who do you think I saw right in front of me at a stop light? Yes, you guessed it the mystery woman. Now it appears that she works near me as I was basically following her from Bells Corners to North Kanata and thinking to myself she has to wonder if I'm stalking her.......when luckily for me I turned into the parking lot of my building before she got to hers and relaxed a little bit where did I know her from? Well turns out we both lived in the same apartment building and she literally parked her car 6 spots from mine in the parking garage lol

The second was even stranger as I've actually had coffee with this person and it never dawned on me until I was too far away to say anything. I was recently at the Bell Sensplex watching my son go through hockey assessments and as I was leaving the Mattamy Homes rink I bumped into a really cute brunette who smiled at me and asked how I was doing.....I smiled back the way one does automatically when confused by something and not wanting to admit it.............said fine and had to run as my son was waiting........I had totally forgotten that her own boys were one and two years younger than my son and that explained her presence at the rink.....wasn't till I was actually driving down Terry Fox it dawned on me that I actually knew her and had met for coffee last of those meet-n-greets where there is no spark other than friendship....she had commented at the time that she would like to be friends and maybe see a movie but I wasn't thinking straight and never took her up on the offer as I was looking for the spark......I know now that the spark can be instant or a slow smolder.........I'd like to think the slow smolder could have happened but will never know now lol

So have you ever come across someone you're sure you know but can't quite place from where?

Have you ever seen someone in real life whose profile you've read here on POF?

Story for another day.....I actually work with someone who has a profile here on POF and have to bite my tongue from saying anything as I would never want to embarrass anyone :)

As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep following the path less travelled in my own journey :)


My objective with the posts is to express my feelings on a number of topics and hopefully get people to see outside the box for you never know what you might miss by focusing too much on one thing.

There is nothing wrong with living in the box as long as you realize there is a world outside that box and it just might be a pretty cool place to visit now and again.....I'm just saying


Today's musical recommendation - "Tango Shoes" by Bif Naked

October 4/11

Ok, with that sensational headline I could get a job as editor at the New York Post :)

On the way to work today I was listening to Hot 89.9 with Mauler, Rush, Jenny, and Josie when they had a very interesting conversation about sex and food. Seems a study was done that said something like 60% of woman think about food more than they do about sex.

Now we've all heard that statistic that men think of sex something like 30+ times each day and women not anywhere near that much so the end results of the above conversation were kind of surprising in that Jenny agreed she thinks about food far more often than sex, mostly because she has to plan for one and prefers the other to be more spontaneous, but the four female hotties, the morning shows name for listeners and not mine, who called in all said they think about sex way more often than food.......

Got me to thinking how often I think about sex and the truth is that when I'm not involved with someone I really don't think about it at all....heck I've once gone over a year with no carnal relations and never really noticed or missed that aspect of I'll also admit that when I'm in a relationship that thought does take place way more often and usually centers around thoughts of the times spent together more than upcoming that word and so hard to work into a sentence :)

So now I'm wondering often does sex cross your mind and do you think of food more or less than sex?

Btw.....I'm a total Rush head and would crush most hotties on the "Crush Rush" morning segment :))

Do You Look in Public?

Today's musical recommendation - "With a little help from my friends" by The Beatles (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)


I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my ex's friends is on this site and came across my little blogging attempt as she laughed at me this weekend when we bumped into one another at a hockey rink and asked if I'd posted anything new lately......such a small city in many ways lol

So what do I mean by "do you look in public?"

Well as usual it was something triggered by a question from my son. I love how he provides me so many things to think about and share with my devoted public...ok, the devoted comment might be pouring it on a tad too thick lol

We were driving down Eagleson and I noticed a woman jogging on the sidewalk. I glanced at her as we passed her and really wasn't thinking about anything when my son I asked him what was so funny and he said that he'd never seen me look at a woman while driving.....than clarified by saying he'd never seen me do that when driving with his mother, my ex........I paused and told him I hoped I would have never done that as I never had a reason to look at another woman when I was with his mom and it sort of dawned on me that it is really only been the last year or so that I have started to notice women while doing my daily thing.......

Now I'm going to be the first to admit that I notice women all the time...heck why not as women just look so nice, smell nice, and sound pretty darn nice too. I think a guy would have to be a fool not to notice them day to day.....and I'm sure the two unversities that decided upon careful reflection to grant me degrees hope they weren't wasted on a fool :)

So here is where I'm going with this long do you think it is before you start noticing the oppostite sex after a breakup and what is it that catches your eye?

Now in all fairness I didn't admit this last point to my son but what caught my eye with the women jogging was the knee brace she was wearing on her left knee and how fast a pace she was setting for someone with a knee injury. Of course the fact that she was smoking hot in shorts and t-shirt didn't hurt either....

I'm sure that last comment may lead some to think I'm nothing more than the usual male pig but that couldn't be farther from the truth as I have a daughter in her early 20's who I would hate to see made to feel uncomfortable by someone staring at her........

I tend to use my kids as the barometer of how I approach things in life and as long as I think they'd be ok with things I move forward but the least little doubt means I nip it in the bud!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Little Humour

Today's musical recommendation - "My Body" by Young the Giant

September 28th
Been gone for a bit trying to see if there was a connection with someone but turns out she still harbours feelings for her ex and needs to work on those issues before she can really move forward in life.
Hit me kind of hard as there were so many levels we were connecting on and the hours spent chatting on the phone just seemed to fly instead of dwelling on it with a post I thought I'd take a light hearted approach with my first new posting in almost a month :)
  • Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow...Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow. In fact, just piss off and leave me alone.
  • Sex is like air. It's not that important unless you aren't getting any.
  • No one is listening until you fart

  • Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
  • Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
  • If you think nobody cares whether you're alive or dead, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.
  • Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
  • If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
  • Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
  • If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably well worth it.
  • If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
  • Some days you are the bug; some days you are the windshield.
  • Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time.
  • Good judgment comes from bad experience ... And most of that comes from bad judgment.
  • A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  • There are two excellent theories for arguing with women. Neither one works.
  • Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
  • Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
  • We are born naked, wet and hungry, and get slapped on our butt. Then things just keep getting worse.
  • Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night

As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep following the path less travelled in my own journey :)


What If....

Profiles are like perishable items in that they have a short shelf life and I think this one is fast approaching it's expiry date (Sep 27/11) and it will be time for me to step back and do some assessing on whether this medium is working for me or if I should hire a new marketing manager and attempt to rebrand myself.....ok, far too many references from my MBA but I'm sure my old prof's would be happy to see me applying at least some of the stuff they made me learn lol
I'm getting some questions about what the whole countdown is about so let me clear up any confusion.
I've been on this site on and off since late 2007 early 2008 and find that I'm usually good for a few months before the games get to be too much or I start seeing all of the same profiles over and at that point I either close my account or go into hibernation mode while I focus on other things happening in my life. This time of year gets busy as school is just starting, my son plays hockey, and my daughter plays indoor soocer so the timing is just right for me to take that needed break.
Now this doesn't mean that if I meet someone between now and than I wouldn't be open to seeing what could happen but I'm not optimistic that will happen between now and my self determined deadline. I'm stubborn that way.
Also, please don't get me wrong and think all my experiences on this pond have been bad as the majority of them, around 95% when I exclude the 2 stalkers, have been nice and there are some incredible woman on here...I've just not been lucky enough to meet one where we both felt that "click" at the same time
So having said all the above feel free to read on if interested and don't if not as the world will continue to spin around the sun regardless of what we do......I'm just saying
"Evil is one thing but mean is a hurt that never goes away" - my son told me this one and it resonated with me
What if there was a guy who was really looking to meet someone and see what could develop over time.....
  • What if he valued family above everything else?
  • What if he had a decent job that he was good at and enjoyed?
  • What if he had his own vehicle?
  • What if he didn't live in his parents basement but rather had his own place?
  • What if he had dealt with any emotional issues from past relationships?
  • What if he didn't post any shirtless pictures of himself?
  • What if he didn't expect anything to happen on the first date other than some smiles, laughter, and maybe the opportunity for a second date?
  • What if he believes in open communications and actually practices what he preaches?
  • What if he was friends with his ex and not just because she is the mother of his children but because she is a good person and sometimes things really just don't work out?
  • What if he loved a great round of golf but accepts that most of his rounds fall far short of great but he continues on anyways?
  • What if he likes to take drives with no predetermined destination in mind?
  • What if he was afraid of heights but challenges that fear every chance he gets?
  • What if he likes to spend a rainy Sunday watching movies, reading a book, or listening to music?
  • What if his taste in music ranged from Bach to ZZ Top and everything in between?
  • What if he owned a laptop, iPod, and iPhone and uses them all?
  • What if he recognized he was carrying a few extra pounds and working to improve his physique?
  • What if he didn't like horror movies but was willing to see one if you asked?
  • What if he was born in the U.S. but considers himself Canadian? Eh?
  • What if what you owned or who you knew didn't impress him but how you treated the barrista did?
  • What if he was just average looking but content with himself and what he has to offer someone willing to forego the Hollywood looks that fade over time?
I like to think that I'm that guy.
I have my 11 y/o son on alternate weeks under a great shared custody arrangement with my ex. We came very close, like 15 minutes close, to losing him back in Dec09 due to a very serious medical condition so I tend to spend as much time with him as I can and can be found watching all his hockey games and most practices no matter the week. One thing I learned was just how fragile life is and how quickly someone so incredibly special can be taken from you in the blink of an eye......I think it has made me a tad bit protective of him but also means I appreciate all the time I have with those who mean something to me :)

What is Romance?

Today's musical recommendation - "Juliette" by Hollerado


August 13/11

So I was talking with a friend the other day as we were loading the moving truck with all of my worldly possessions and she mentioned how her husband, out of earshot of course, wasn't that romantic and since he was pretty much like me in that department it got me to thinking just what constitutes being romantic and/or is considered a romantic gesture...........

We all know and understand how we are programmed to be romantic on Valentine's Day and as a guy I'm one of the millions who literally hate that day. Not because I'm not romantic but rather because I don't like being told that this one day is the make or break day of the year to show someone you care for them. I'm more the every day kind of guy when it comes to that.

So what do I mean by the every day kind of guy?

Well in my world I like to do the little things on a daily basis that show my partner she is important to me and that bring a smile to her face......things like getting her morning juice and placing it on the counter in the bathroom so when she gets out of her steaming sauna like shower she has a refreshing drink waiting for her, the gentle touch of my hand as I pass her in the kitchen, a kiss just because it feels right, picking up her favourite magazine when I'm at Chapters, leaving a note in the book she is reading that has our initials surrounded by a heart, a text message at 3pm telling her I can't wait to see her tonight, and a back massage out of the blue when he is falling asleep that totally gets her into that relaxed zone for a good nights sleep.

Don't get me wrong that I don't do the others as I've sent flowers and candies, heck I've hand delivered the flowers, book dinner at a nice restaurant, or taken her to her favourite place - Casino Lac Leamey :)

To me those little things mean more than that once a year event that is not really done as much from the heart as it is out of a sense of obligation.......

It's kind of like the first time a new partner uses the L word and you aren't at the same you say it back and feel bad for not being honest with yourself but spare the other person the hurt of not hearing it back or do you stay true to yourself knowing you'll come across looking kind of cold hearted??

In the past I followed the first route and if things didn't work out I always got the "But you told me you loved me back" line and it completely sucked as it is a form of deception whether meant that way or not.

So in your books would you rather the once or twice a year huge blowout by your partner to show how much they care or be reminded every day with some thoughtful gesture or word on they're part???

This wasn't my original topic for today but yesterday as I was unpacking a box of books a note fell out of one and it was from my ex......she placed notes throughout this one favorite book of mine knowing I would read it again at some point and I guess I didn't do it as soon as she had hoped as the notes were from 2007 but they brought back some warm memories and made me realize it is the little things I miss and crave the most........

2011-08-03 Emotional Curve Ball

Today's musical recommendation - "Secrets" by One Republic



Sometimes when you set out with one objective in mind something happens that makes you stop in mid-stride and take stock of yourself and your hopes and dreams.

This has sort of happened to me and in the process of thinking about and writing these little blurbs to the world I've paused more than once to ask myself what are my own hopes.......

It doesn't help that I do my usual thing when I'm in bachelor mode, that is what I call it when my son is with his mom as it lets me fool myself into thinking I'm proactively looking for that special person, and that is to partake of movies, books, and music. Now don't get me wrong as all of these are great activities and for the most part I enjoy all of them but never all at the same time lol. The problem is that sometimes I get into my own head and let the scenes and words force me to evaluate my own life and there are times this can be a bad thing as I know that despite being busy with work, moving to a new home, and being involved with my kids I really am not happy with my life.

Not so unhappy that I'm miserable or allow those around me to see it but unhappy inside as I've come to realize just how lonely being single can be. Maybe it doesn't help that my birthday is coming up and that is one of those days it totally sucks to be alone and maybe it comes back to the relationships that have been possible but some inner fear of getting hurt has me turning away from the romantic aspect and instead focusing on the platonic end of things......and we all know that isn't why we are on this site or at least isn't a good reason to be on here.....

What got me thinking were two movies in particular - Friends with Benefits and Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Now I've done a thing about FWB's and am starting to think I might have to revisit the whole concept at some point but that is a theme for another post. What got me about this movie was the connection that develops between two characters without them really realizing it. Now CSL was an excellent movie and the theme of soul mates really hit home hard as the romantic in me really believes in this concept but the logical side of me argues against it as how can soul mates break things off or are there multiple soul mates for each of us at different periods of our lives??

So the combination of my blogging, is this considered a blog?, and some recent movies have left me feeling down and out, needing to shake things up, and maybe expose myself, not that way lol, to being in love once again.

Now my question is given I don't have any game when it comes to flirting how do I go about letting the world know my status is now available??

What do you do when life throws you an emotional curve ball?


2011-07-28 The Joy of Coaching

Today's musical recommendation - "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum

Not much of a country fan but think this trio has it going on :)


So I just noticed that is has been slightly more than two months since I started posting my musings and wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has sent me comments and feedback. Hopefully they've brought a smile and made you stop and take a moment to think about this and that..........

So when I'm not working, playing golf, or contemplating this little project I coach my son's soccer team and today's posting will be about the things we learn from those around us.

I'm pretty fortunate that both of my kids are athletically inclined and I've had the pleasure of getting to coach both of them in various sports. The one thing that really stands out is how many times parents thank me for volunteering my time to coach teams when what I really want to do is to thank them for registering their children in sports as it allows the leagues to form teams and gives my own children a chance to participate.

There is no greater joy than watching a team successfully run a set play in soccer that you've practiced countless times and seeing the players eyes light up when they score.

My message to my teams has always been a good coach doesn't win a game but a bad coach can lose a game for his team. On Monday my 9th place boys team played the 2nd place team in our league. This team had only lost one game all season and that to the 1st place team 4-3 so they were pretty confident about beating us and it showed as they warmed up. I took my team aside and let them know just how much disrespect they were being shown and asked them if they would be happy with some stranger coming into their home and making themselves at home and treating them like crap....they all said no and I reminded them that we were the home team, to look at each other and realize that on the pitch we are a family and have each others backs.........they went out and hammered the 2nd place team 5-2 and could have won it 9-2......after the game I always gather the team and briefly talk to them about how the game went and before I could start one of my best players said "Excuse me coach for interrupting but you told us you'll never win a game for us, but tonight you did just that by telling us how good we are and letting us prove it" and than came over and high fived me!!!!!

It never ceases to amaze me the things kids will say and how they can make you feel. My son reminds me all the time that it is just a game and to relax and enjoy the moment. My daughter likes to send me little text messages or Facebook comments to let me know to just breathe now and again :)

What message have your kids given you that you try and embrace on a daily basis??