Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2011-06-07 Flirting

Today's musical recommendation - "Closer" by Kings of Leon


Now having said with yesterdays posting that I'm not looking to post daily here I go changing the post after one day......have to keep you ladies on your toes :)

I've been thinking about todays topic for quite some time now and figured I'd express my thoughts and see what the feedback is from the pond.

I don't flirt well. I'm not even sure what the proper etiquette is for flirting in this day and age. For me it still evokes memories of passing notes in school....ok, stop laughing and pay attention please as I'm sure I am not the only person who doesn't think they have any flirting mojo.

Heck, not only can't I flirt but I can't even seem to recognize it when I'm being flirted with!

Now I'm sure there are some of you rolling your eyes at my last statement but let me give you a couple of examples of just how obtuse I am when it comes to flirting.

Example 1 - many years ago before I made the journey to Ottawa I spent every Saturday playing hoops with some buddies at a rec centre near my place that had 2 outdoor courts and 3 ball diamonds. Now the way it worked was you won you kept playing and when you lost you'd leave the court and join the que for a game once those in front of you had either won or lost. Now this one Saturday we were on a run and starting to feel a tad tired after 7 straight games so we basically let ourselves get beat so we could get a breather. The 5 of us were sitting on this strip of grass ran between the courts and the ball diamonds when a softball came flying over the fence, being closest to it I got up and went to toss it over the fence when I noticed it was a womens softball league playing that particular morning. Seems during warmups one player accidently threw too high and over the fence it went. I tossed the ball back to this one woman and didn't think anything of it. Soon another one came over the fence, once again I exchanged smiles and threw it back. All the while my buddies are laughing at me. After a bit the woman comes over to the fence and thanks me for being so patient and just starts to chat with me. I really didn't think anything of it at the time and our number came up so back onto the court we went. During the next hour or so we played 3 more games and I noticed the woman and friends watching us now and than. I didn't think anything of it other than maybe they found some of my buddies good looking as they were all much more athletic than I both skill and shape lol.....well once we were done for the day my best friend asked me how bad was my since I do wear glasses for distance I was taken aback by the question until every one of the guys started laughing BF looked at me and asked me if I really didn't know that HSG, his way of saying hot softball girl, was hitting on me and was actually making no effort to keep the ball from sailing over the fence. I was dumbfounded and said he was wrong when one of the other guys said "she was doing everything but basically giving you her number dude"....and in hindsight he was right......of course when I asked them why they didn't clue me in sooner so I might have done something about it they all laughed and one said it was as much fun seeing this happen to me as it was when I tried to take a 3 point shot........yeah, they were my friends

Example 2 - My son and I were at the Kanata Wave pool 2 years ago and soaking in the jacuzzi in-between sorties to ride the waves when a very attractive woman started chatting with me about hockey. Turns out she was a Maple Leaf fan and asked me which team I liked, learning I liked the Senators we proceeded to give each other the business about our respective teams.......afterwards when we were leaving my son asked me if I got her number and I laughed at him and asked why he was asking me that.....he smiled and said that every time we left to ride the waves and went back to the jacuzzi the woman would position herself so we were close enough to talk again and that she was always making eye contact. I stopped in midstride and asked him how he knew this at age ten and maybe next time he could give me a heads up so I wouldn't feel such the fool.

So my point in exposing how helpless I am when it comes to recognizing a flirt is that not eveyone is aware of it when they are the object of some when you flirt and don't get the hoped for reaction don't think that the other person isn't interested and just remember that maybe sometimes they might mistake the flirt for good natured I did.....

Now here is my questions for the readers:

What is your go to flirt?

What do you do when the object of your flirt doesn't respond?

Hoping everyone has a great week and had a chance to enjoy our first weekend of great weather - I know I was outside as much as possible and managed my first two rounds of golf this season....we won't discuss my scores but I will say I was pretty happy with my driver for the first time in a long time and am considering a trial separation from my

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