Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2011-08-03 Emotional Curve Ball

Today's musical recommendation - "Secrets" by One Republic



Sometimes when you set out with one objective in mind something happens that makes you stop in mid-stride and take stock of yourself and your hopes and dreams.

This has sort of happened to me and in the process of thinking about and writing these little blurbs to the world I've paused more than once to ask myself what are my own hopes.......

It doesn't help that I do my usual thing when I'm in bachelor mode, that is what I call it when my son is with his mom as it lets me fool myself into thinking I'm proactively looking for that special person, and that is to partake of movies, books, and music. Now don't get me wrong as all of these are great activities and for the most part I enjoy all of them but never all at the same time lol. The problem is that sometimes I get into my own head and let the scenes and words force me to evaluate my own life and there are times this can be a bad thing as I know that despite being busy with work, moving to a new home, and being involved with my kids I really am not happy with my life.

Not so unhappy that I'm miserable or allow those around me to see it but unhappy inside as I've come to realize just how lonely being single can be. Maybe it doesn't help that my birthday is coming up and that is one of those days it totally sucks to be alone and maybe it comes back to the relationships that have been possible but some inner fear of getting hurt has me turning away from the romantic aspect and instead focusing on the platonic end of things......and we all know that isn't why we are on this site or at least isn't a good reason to be on here.....

What got me thinking were two movies in particular - Friends with Benefits and Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Now I've done a thing about FWB's and am starting to think I might have to revisit the whole concept at some point but that is a theme for another post. What got me about this movie was the connection that develops between two characters without them really realizing it. Now CSL was an excellent movie and the theme of soul mates really hit home hard as the romantic in me really believes in this concept but the logical side of me argues against it as how can soul mates break things off or are there multiple soul mates for each of us at different periods of our lives??

So the combination of my blogging, is this considered a blog?, and some recent movies have left me feeling down and out, needing to shake things up, and maybe expose myself, not that way lol, to being in love once again.

Now my question is given I don't have any game when it comes to flirting how do I go about letting the world know my status is now available??

What do you do when life throws you an emotional curve ball?


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