Today's musical
recommendation - "Breakeven" by The Script
First off........TGIF Been a long week and I'm so looking
forward to some R&R
Couple of observations about things I've noticed on POF
I was looking at some profiles this morning as I'm want to do
when I should be busy working but it is what it is.......I hate that saying but
do appreciate the truth behind it :)......when I came across one that had gifts
listed and I took this to mean this lady had received gifts from some fish on
the pond. Now I don't think there is anything wrong with getting a gift from
someone you know but what I saw kind of made me do a double take......a
thong......are you freaking kidding me???..........what kind of person sends
such an intimate item to someone electronically that they may or may not even
really know all that well.....and how did she feel getting it?........I've
gotten ice cream on a hot day and found that cute and it made me smile but if
some guy, hoping it was a guy who sent it lol, you'd never met sent you such a
gift what would you say or how would you feel?
Now maybe this is just me feeling my age lately but I
actually felt like I needed if I'd someone walked into the middle
of something I wasn't supposed to see and it left me feeling dirty......
Now here is something I just noticed recently......people
send me messages after reading a posting and yet when I check out the
"Viewed Me" section they don't appear on it. Why do so many people
keep it hidden that they've viewed another person's profile?? Maybe you find
something about them that you like but don't think the feeling would be
reciprocated.......give them the chance to decide for themselves and you just
might be happily surprised :)
I've gotten more emails about the lack of any posted pictures
than I ever imagined possible. My position on this hasn't changed as I'm still
unsure of my intent in regards to dating. Do I enjoy being alone? Not really
but I also won't just settle for less than I deserve or desire just to have a
warm body next to me in the morning. Would I like to meet someone? Uh
Yes!......but with it comes the opportunity to get hurt and honestly how much
pain must one endure to find the one........I know I'll eventually give in and
either post pictures on this profile or create one separate from this one that
allows me to keep blogging and allow the world to see my mug :)
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