Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2011-06-22 One or Many

Today's musical recommendation - "Salvation" by The Scanners

One or many what you might ask?

Well do you date one person to see how things click or do you date many at the same time on the chance that you might meet the one?

I think there are pros and cons to both approaches and don't pretend to know which is better but would love to hear some feedback on this one.

For me I tend to be more selective and focus on one woman at a time. Now that is not to say I haven't done the multiple date scenario before but I just find it easier to process things when I'm not repeating the same story over and over to a variety of women and have the opportunity to really get to know someone.

I multitask quite well in my day to day world but think this is one of those areas that really deserves my complete attention as you never know what you might miss out on when doing the whole comparison game between dates.

Now when I refer to multiple dates I'm more meaning dating several people over the span of a few weeks or so, though I did meet one person here on the pond who actually had dates with 4 different guys on the same Saturday, me about feeling a wee bit challenged lol

For me the most I've ever done is see two women at the same time......not the same date as that would just be too weird but rather saw one woman one night and the other the next night......and it left me feeling dirty inside for some reason, sort of like I'd cheated on each of them with the other.......sounds kind of crazy but that is me....mister monogomy :)

So what is your approach to dating?

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