Today's musical recommendation -
"Comes and Goes" by Greg Laswell - theme from "Taking
Chance" a movie that brought tears to my eyes more than one while watching
it (
This morning on my drive to work after
dropping one of the two joys of my life off at school I happened to glance over
to the left side of the road and was shocked to see how fully grown out the
leaves were on the trees and it dawned on me that just a few short weeks ago
everything had that winter look about it.
I've been itching to get out and play ball
- I'm in the Barrhaven Mixed SloPitch League - and walk a round of golf but our
recent weather has been playing heck with both of these. I think it is during
these activities that I've really noticed the change in things over the years
and this year it has been a delayed process and thus helped lead to this
observation - change happens whether we are aware of it or not.
I'm wondering how many others may be
experiencing the same thing....change happening right before your very eyes and
not being fully cognizant of it - I had a little wager with a friend that I
couldn't use that word in my blog in a real sentance so now I'm a whopping $5
richer :)
Many years ago I made a decision that
completely altered my life, for the good I'd like to add, and at the time I was
contemplating this decision my friends, family, and even my boss were
questioning if it was the right thing to do and what would I do if things
didn't turn out the way I hoped........I remember sitting in a board room with
my boss and another manager and when this other manager learned I was soon
leaving the company he was shocked as everyone thought I had this great career
path lined up and how could I even think of giving it up........I looked at him
and smiled and said being alone is never a great path and the one I was
undertaking was going to make me a better person.....he asked what if it didn't
work out and my reply was "Change is good even when it doesn't bring you
what you want".....he looked confused so I added that any kind of change
makes you reflect on what you want and who you are, thus allowing you time to
adjust your expectations and your own actions.....I reminded him that both Ford
and Edison failed far more times than they succeeded and yet we only remember them
for what they accomplished and if we are afraid of failing we can never set the
example we want for our children
when you are faced with change I say embrace it head on and enjoy the ride....I
know I've enjoyed my ride for the last 15+ years and haven't ever looked back
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