Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2011-05-29 Being Single

Today's musical recommendation - "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars


 Today's rambling is about being single....

 Why does society put so much pressure on people to be part of a relationship?

 Now don't get me wrong and think I'm anti-relationship as that couldn't be farther from the truth. I just think that there is nothing wrong with being single if you can accept it and not let it stop you from enjoying life.

I'm single by choice......mine and it appears also that of the female population of the national capital region :)

Being single doesn't stop me from doing things that most people do as a couple......movies? I'm there if the show is a good one.....dinner? I go out for meals and just adjust my times so that I don't hit the crowds

Sure holidays and birthdays can suck when you are single but if you are smart you use that time to really understand yourself and learn what makes you tick, what rocks your boat, and hopefully what you bring to the table to rock someone else's is all about the rocking right?

Now granted being a single parent with custody every other week might make it a little easier on me but the point is that instead of wallowing in self pity I embrace the opportunities to expand my horizons....I've made it a point to make more eye contact and just talk to people with no is pretty amazing how many other people will smile back at you if you just smile first.

I love to golf and in many ways being single is like my golf game. By this I mean that I book rounds at various courses and show up as a single, the pro shop puts me with other golfers in a foursome, and away we go for a round of golf. I love to walk the course and have met some really interesting people over the years. My ex couldn't understand my approach as she has to golf with her friends but what works for one person may not work for another. I'm pretty shy and tend to stay in the background in social settings and she is a total extrovert and makes friends wherever she goes.....but in this case she used to say that this environment/approach let me open up......and she was dead right......amazing how much one person can understand about another isn't it?

So being single isn't the end of the world but in the grand scheme of things I think we are meant to be with someone who makes us smile and feel warm inside but until such time as I bump into her here on POF, at Loblaws, on the driving range, or where ever it might happen I'll make sure to keep smiling and enjoying what life brings my way.........


My objective with the posts is to express my feelings on a number of topics and hopefully get people to see outside the box for you never know what you might miss by focusing too much on one thing


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