Today's musical recommendation -
"Letters from the Sky" by Civil Twilight.......has a very haunting
piano riff running throughout the song
Why does it seem like dating gets harder
the older you get? Shouldn't it actually be easier since you've passed the game
playing stages and hopefully understand what floats your boat?
Of course I can only speak from the male
perpective unless I unleash my inner woman but lets leave that for another
posting ok?
Let me clue some of you in....not every guy
is looking to end the night in bed. I know there are a lot of guys whose sole
objective is to end the night that way but I'd like to think these specimens
exude enough hints about this that a normal person could pick up on it and
avoid them in the first place.
Over the course of the past few years I've
been on many meet-n-greets and dates and the one thing I've learned is that no
two are ever alike and each one makes me nervous. I've learned to listen to
what they say and try my best to make any decisions about future dates based on
the total package - looks, brains, and personality.
My worst date was with a woman who spent
the first 15 minutes telling me how she hated dads who were overly involved
with their kids when it wasn't his custody flags and alarms went
off so fast.....she went on to tell me about this great book she'd been reading
at her daughters soccer game the night before. Really? you took a book to your
daughters athletic event and every time she looked over to see if you saw the
amazing move she made she got to see you immersed in a book........... didn't
take much to figure out there wouldn't be a second date
One of my best dates left me wondering
about my ability to read the signs. Met this lovely lady for lunch and we spent
the next 2+ hours chatting over salads and wine and when it ended I walked her
to her car. She paused after unlocking the door and proceeded to lean back
against the car and kept chatting with me, playing with her hair, dropping her
keys, all the signs that she was sending me the ok for a kiss. Of couse being
kind of dense I never picked up on them until after I left. We talked later
that evening and she teased me about not taking a hint but she was being really
cool about it so we made plans for later that week to meet after work down in
the market at the Hard Rock Cafe. We got there at the same time from opposite
directions and she walked right up to me and before I could even say hello she
kissed me very softly, smiled and said now that it was out of the way lets have
a great night and we did and to this day we chat about this and that.
point is that you never know what might happen if you don't let your mind shut
down and just go with the directions of your heart......sometimes you might end
up regretting a wasted night like I did with soccer mom and than you might end
up getting lucky and meeting someone pretty darn incredible who ends up making
you feel like a million dollars.
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