Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do You Look in Public?

Today's musical recommendation - "With a little help from my friends" by The Beatles (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)


I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my ex's friends is on this site and came across my little blogging attempt as she laughed at me this weekend when we bumped into one another at a hockey rink and asked if I'd posted anything new lately......such a small city in many ways lol

So what do I mean by "do you look in public?"

Well as usual it was something triggered by a question from my son. I love how he provides me so many things to think about and share with my devoted public...ok, the devoted comment might be pouring it on a tad too thick lol

We were driving down Eagleson and I noticed a woman jogging on the sidewalk. I glanced at her as we passed her and really wasn't thinking about anything when my son I asked him what was so funny and he said that he'd never seen me look at a woman while driving.....than clarified by saying he'd never seen me do that when driving with his mother, my ex........I paused and told him I hoped I would have never done that as I never had a reason to look at another woman when I was with his mom and it sort of dawned on me that it is really only been the last year or so that I have started to notice women while doing my daily thing.......

Now I'm going to be the first to admit that I notice women all the time...heck why not as women just look so nice, smell nice, and sound pretty darn nice too. I think a guy would have to be a fool not to notice them day to day.....and I'm sure the two unversities that decided upon careful reflection to grant me degrees hope they weren't wasted on a fool :)

So here is where I'm going with this long do you think it is before you start noticing the oppostite sex after a breakup and what is it that catches your eye?

Now in all fairness I didn't admit this last point to my son but what caught my eye with the women jogging was the knee brace she was wearing on her left knee and how fast a pace she was setting for someone with a knee injury. Of course the fact that she was smoking hot in shorts and t-shirt didn't hurt either....

I'm sure that last comment may lead some to think I'm nothing more than the usual male pig but that couldn't be farther from the truth as I have a daughter in her early 20's who I would hate to see made to feel uncomfortable by someone staring at her........

I tend to use my kids as the barometer of how I approach things in life and as long as I think they'd be ok with things I move forward but the least little doubt means I nip it in the bud!

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