Today's musical recommendation - "Let it
Die" by The Foo Fighters
October 8/11
So I recently bought my own place, well I traded monthly rent for a monthly mortgage payment to be more exact lol - and met my next door neighbors mother this morning when I came home from golf.
She startled me when she said hello from the side door as I was bringing my clubs onto the deck to clean them off and introduced herself as Kerry's mom whom she was sure I already knew....I had to sheepishly admit that I'd said hello to her daughter on several occasions over the past few weeks without ever formally introducing myself to her or even knowing her name. The odd thing is that I know my neighbor on the other side as we met the night I locked myself out of my house the very first night I got the keys. She came over to chat while I was waiting for the locksmith lol
Now one neighbor I know her name (Sarah), that she has 2 children (daughter a year older than my son and a son two years younger), and she bought her place about a year ago after she divorced her husband.
Today I found out from Judy, Kerry's mom, that not only did Kerry buy her place a little over a year ago but so did the neighbor on the other side of her. So that makes four homes in a row that changed ownership over the last 13 months or so.
So meeting Kerry's mom got me to thinking that I really don't know my neighbors all that well and didn't know my neighbors at all in my old apartment building, and compared this to what it was like growing up where everyone knew everyone. Heck we knew the people 7 houses down each side from us lol
So is this a sign of the times that we are all too busy to meet one another and get a feel for who we share a driveway or common wall with? Have we become insulated to those around us and only worry about the friends we had prior to moving?
I really don't know the answers to those questions but I do know this...tomorrow when I rake the leaves off my front lawn I'll add Sarah's yard to mine so they look nice and when the snow hits I won't just do my half of the drive way but also Kerry's....why?........isn't that what neighbours do for one another??
Anyways, wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a relaxing long weekend. Mine is filled with golf, hockey for my son, and some chores around the new place :)
October 8/11
So I recently bought my own place, well I traded monthly rent for a monthly mortgage payment to be more exact lol - and met my next door neighbors mother this morning when I came home from golf.
She startled me when she said hello from the side door as I was bringing my clubs onto the deck to clean them off and introduced herself as Kerry's mom whom she was sure I already knew....I had to sheepishly admit that I'd said hello to her daughter on several occasions over the past few weeks without ever formally introducing myself to her or even knowing her name. The odd thing is that I know my neighbor on the other side as we met the night I locked myself out of my house the very first night I got the keys. She came over to chat while I was waiting for the locksmith lol
Now one neighbor I know her name (Sarah), that she has 2 children (daughter a year older than my son and a son two years younger), and she bought her place about a year ago after she divorced her husband.
Today I found out from Judy, Kerry's mom, that not only did Kerry buy her place a little over a year ago but so did the neighbor on the other side of her. So that makes four homes in a row that changed ownership over the last 13 months or so.
So meeting Kerry's mom got me to thinking that I really don't know my neighbors all that well and didn't know my neighbors at all in my old apartment building, and compared this to what it was like growing up where everyone knew everyone. Heck we knew the people 7 houses down each side from us lol
So is this a sign of the times that we are all too busy to meet one another and get a feel for who we share a driveway or common wall with? Have we become insulated to those around us and only worry about the friends we had prior to moving?
I really don't know the answers to those questions but I do know this...tomorrow when I rake the leaves off my front lawn I'll add Sarah's yard to mine so they look nice and when the snow hits I won't just do my half of the drive way but also Kerry's....why?........isn't that what neighbours do for one another??
Anyways, wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a relaxing long weekend. Mine is filled with golf, hockey for my son, and some chores around the new place :)
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