Today's musical recommendation - "Come Away
with Me" by Nora Jones
October 10/11
Ok, I had a response from Elizabeth about knowing one's neighbours and she said her street is really quite friendly and they know and help each other all the time. I'm hoping that my street develops that since we are for the most part all new to the 'hood' lol
I've been thinking about today's post for a little while and thought what better time to blog then right now :)
I totally get some of the things that POF asks you about when creating your profile but some others leave me scratching my head wondering what they heck they are thinking......
Let's start with the obvious selections.....age, city, smoking status, drinking status, drugs usage, and kids.
These I get as I like to know if someone smokes, drinks, or does drugs. What makes me laugh is that POF then goes onto ask if you'll date someone who smokes but never thinks to ask the same about someone who does drugs. Now admittedly I haven't come across many profiles that say they use drugs but if they are going to ask one than ask the other as well.
Age and city make perfect sense as I know I'm not looking to meet someone who lives in Toronto or is young enough to be my daughter or old enough to be my mother.....surprisingly enough I've gotten messages from both ends of the age spectrum lol
As for age I find it amusing to see some of the age range restrictions people use. I came across one 45 year old woman who listed her age range as she was looking to go 15 years younger and 5 years older.....much of a cougar lol??
Kids make sense as some people don't want to date anyone with younger kids as they might have already done that phase of life and have no wish to revisit it. I know when I used to read profiles that said didn't want kids it made me hesitate to make contact as the first thinking is they probably aren't into kids and having a 12 y/o son kind of makes that a deal breaker on my end. It was nice to see a new criteria pop up asking if I would date someone with kids....the answer is yes.....are you kidding me? What better way to relive some great moments than through the eyes of a kid :))
I think the whole kid issue works against me given my age and the age of my son. The majority of women my age are past that stage and looking for someone with lots of freedom and the women who have kids my sons age are younger than I am so don't think of me as viable boyfriend material.....but as my friend Deborah likes to say "It is what it is and you better learn to live with it" words from a smart woman
Now there are a couple of selection criteria that leave me baffled.....eye colour and pets
Really? POF thinks we are on here winnowing down the pool based on the colour of a potential matches eyes? So not even coming into play when I think of things upon which to base my decision. Same holds true for pets. I've had dogs and cats and will be getting a new puppy next Friday. I've dated women with cats and dogs and those without. Maybe the issue is allergies.......but I've read enough profiles to know that when someone has an allergy that is sever they usually say so on the profile.
What about income? Are they telling me that they match me against women with comparable income levels? What if I wanted a sugar momma? That seems to hurt those efforts quite a bit. Truth be told I'm able to take care of me and mine and only ask that you be able to do so as well. I've met women who worked in retail and were just getting by and those who worked as executives and found something to like about both so income is kind of silly. That is almost like saying I'll only date is hard enough at my age without cutting the potential pool of candidates down based on things like eye colour, hair colour, pets, and income.
I had a long term relationship when I lived in the states with a university educated woman who literally drove me nuts with her poor grammar and spelling. My ex is a very smart woman who completed college but didn't go onto university for financial reasons.....she more than holds her own in debates and it was one of the things I liked most about her.....her ability to synthesize an issue and have a reasonable discussion about it.
So when you are looking at profiles do you sit there and keep a score based on the criteria set forth by POF or do you do what I do.......respond based on your initial reaction to the profile and picture??
October 10/11
Ok, I had a response from Elizabeth about knowing one's neighbours and she said her street is really quite friendly and they know and help each other all the time. I'm hoping that my street develops that since we are for the most part all new to the 'hood' lol
I've been thinking about today's post for a little while and thought what better time to blog then right now :)
I totally get some of the things that POF asks you about when creating your profile but some others leave me scratching my head wondering what they heck they are thinking......
Let's start with the obvious selections.....age, city, smoking status, drinking status, drugs usage, and kids.
These I get as I like to know if someone smokes, drinks, or does drugs. What makes me laugh is that POF then goes onto ask if you'll date someone who smokes but never thinks to ask the same about someone who does drugs. Now admittedly I haven't come across many profiles that say they use drugs but if they are going to ask one than ask the other as well.
Age and city make perfect sense as I know I'm not looking to meet someone who lives in Toronto or is young enough to be my daughter or old enough to be my mother.....surprisingly enough I've gotten messages from both ends of the age spectrum lol
As for age I find it amusing to see some of the age range restrictions people use. I came across one 45 year old woman who listed her age range as she was looking to go 15 years younger and 5 years older.....much of a cougar lol??
Kids make sense as some people don't want to date anyone with younger kids as they might have already done that phase of life and have no wish to revisit it. I know when I used to read profiles that said didn't want kids it made me hesitate to make contact as the first thinking is they probably aren't into kids and having a 12 y/o son kind of makes that a deal breaker on my end. It was nice to see a new criteria pop up asking if I would date someone with kids....the answer is yes.....are you kidding me? What better way to relive some great moments than through the eyes of a kid :))
I think the whole kid issue works against me given my age and the age of my son. The majority of women my age are past that stage and looking for someone with lots of freedom and the women who have kids my sons age are younger than I am so don't think of me as viable boyfriend material.....but as my friend Deborah likes to say "It is what it is and you better learn to live with it" words from a smart woman
Now there are a couple of selection criteria that leave me baffled.....eye colour and pets
Really? POF thinks we are on here winnowing down the pool based on the colour of a potential matches eyes? So not even coming into play when I think of things upon which to base my decision. Same holds true for pets. I've had dogs and cats and will be getting a new puppy next Friday. I've dated women with cats and dogs and those without. Maybe the issue is allergies.......but I've read enough profiles to know that when someone has an allergy that is sever they usually say so on the profile.
What about income? Are they telling me that they match me against women with comparable income levels? What if I wanted a sugar momma? That seems to hurt those efforts quite a bit. Truth be told I'm able to take care of me and mine and only ask that you be able to do so as well. I've met women who worked in retail and were just getting by and those who worked as executives and found something to like about both so income is kind of silly. That is almost like saying I'll only date is hard enough at my age without cutting the potential pool of candidates down based on things like eye colour, hair colour, pets, and income.
I had a long term relationship when I lived in the states with a university educated woman who literally drove me nuts with her poor grammar and spelling. My ex is a very smart woman who completed college but didn't go onto university for financial reasons.....she more than holds her own in debates and it was one of the things I liked most about her.....her ability to synthesize an issue and have a reasonable discussion about it.
So when you are looking at profiles do you sit there and keep a score based on the criteria set forth by POF or do you do what I do.......respond based on your initial reaction to the profile and picture??
I first knew about while lookin at some profiles at POF. Saw your pictures and read your profile and I liked what I read a lot. You made laugh and really liked what I read, not just a profile answering the questions you have to answer while writing basic questions they suggest you to answer. I could see, through your lines, what you feel. Regarding the issue of children, in my case my answer to "do you want children?" was no, not because I don't like them, in fact I work with them. It is just because I cannot have another one (got surgery). I have a 10 year old son who is my life. And as I always say: "Whomever wants the cow, has to get the calf too". Very good post, as always! (