Today's musical recommendation -
"Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People
First off I'd like to thank everyone for
the comments. Given how few profiles show up under "Viewed Me" I was
completely floored by the number of fisherwomen who have sent me an email about
my posts.
My goal isn't to post daily or even every
other day but rather to post when something makes me take pause in
life......There have been a couple of posts that I wanted to change almost
right away due to a new thought or experience but held off so the current one
could get some traction - my friend owes me another $5 for incorporating the
word traction - with those on the pond.
Yesterday my son did his usual trick where
we are in the car driving somewhere, in this case to his moms so he could start
his week with her, and out of the blue he will ask me the most random of
questions. The one he asked yesterday really made me stop and think - What
attracts me to one woman over another?
Now to be perfectly honest, and since odds
are we'll never meet face to face I have nothing to gain or lose by being
anything other than honest, it isn't like I've got multiple women lined up and
face difficult choices in selecting one to date lol
I think what I find attractive about a
woman is really a function of my mood at the moment when I first see her and
how she presents herself. Presents herself in this context is more about how
she is with herself and her surroundings. Does she display confidence in
herself and that current environment, how is she interacting with those around
her, does she have a smile in her eyes, and what look crossed her face when our
eyes met for the first time.
The one biggest thing that either reels me
in or sinks any chance of something happening is her eyes. I know it is a
cliche that eyes are the window to the soul but it is far more than that. A smart
woman can convey a huge range of emotions with just her eyes and woe the man
who does not understand that and keep his own eyes open, no pun intended.
My son asked me what it was about his mom
that attracted me to her and with her it was her voice. She had/has one of the
best telephone voices I've ever come across and we had to do some work related
project from opposite ends of the continent that required a lot of telephone
conversations and the more I heard her voice the more I wanted to meet her......of
course once we did meet her eyes drew me in so I guess my original focal point
still holds true.
So what is it that draws you to man A over
man B?
Has your focal point of attraction changed over time? I'm pretty confident I've always rated eyes in my top 3 things that I find attracts me to one woman over another.....of course when I was young and dumb a great set of legs were sure to make me look.....and to some extent that is probably still true to this day
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