Today's musical recommendation - "Gold
Guns Girls" by Metric (Canadian Indie Band)
Been a bit longer than usual since my last
post but life seemed to get a little bit busy there and kept me occupied but
I'm back for more discourse on dating and being single. I know you've all been
waiting with bated breathe lol
So this morning when I was shaving I looked
into the mirror to make sure I hadn't accidently cut myself, it happens more
than I like, or missed any spots, been luckier with this one, when I started
really looking at myself and wondered just who was this person looking back at
Seems like a pretty simple
question....Physically I see an ordinary looking guy who wears glasses to drive
or for distances, keeps his hair short, has some laugh lines, slight curve to
my nose, and will sometimes have a goatee and sometimes be clean
shaven..........but in reality I am who I am....nothing more or less....and in
the grand scheme of things not really that significant when measured against
anyone else.....
But further reflection, no pun intended,
led me to acknowledge a couple of things. I'm a pretty decent father, good
friend to those who matter, hard worker, and single man.
Now I admit that with the exception of the
first none of the aforementioned really matters much to most people and that is
fine for most people but not for me.
When I look at myself I see someone who has
doubts about his life, wonders what the future has in store for not only myself
but my children, a guy who can stand to lose a few pounds and be more active in
his life. I see someone who strives to learn something new as often as
possible, someone who thinks music is the most incredible mood modifier ever
created by man, someone who can sit in a crowded airport departure lounge and
get so lost in a book that he completely forgets where he is or how much time
has passed.
I see a man who has given his heart
completely to someone and been fortunate enough to have received the same.
Someone who has come to realize that having a different opinion doesn't mean an
argument but a focal point for discussion. A man who knows he has limits and
tries to work within the constraints they impose, but at the same time tries to
push the boundaries by trying new things and keeping an open mind as much as
A parent who gets the joy of reliving discoveries through his children, one who would willingly lay down his life for those who hold a place in his heart.
A partner who will love with all his heart once you've been able to get inside that heart. Someone who understands that while love is the most intoxicating drug of them all it is also one that can cause more pain than is almost bearable, yet he still strives to find it, embrace it, and feel the power it unleashes.
I see that and so much more when I look
into the mirror.
When you look in the mirror what do you see?
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