Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2011-06-17 FWB's & Things I Miss

Today's musical recommendation - "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum
A little feedback about my last post before starting the new one.
When I wrote about Friends with Benefits it wasn't an attempt to glorify those kinds of relationships but rather my take on them and how I don't think they are for me at this moment. Of course not everyone saw it that way and one reader has decided to stop following the postings because in her words "I am a total man whore"....I don't quite get how I earned that title but to each her own. If she only saw some of the messages I've gotten she might think otherwise lol
So I've been single for almost 4 years and there are things I miss about being in a relationship and it got me to wondering what do other people miss as I'm sure there are things one person might miss that another will read about and laugh like silly.
So what do I miss about being in a relationship?
  • I miss the gentle touch of my partner when she walks past me
  • I miss text messages out of the blue
  • I miss calls just to say "Hey, I was thinking about you"
  • I miss running errands together on the weekend
  • I miss getting to-do lists knowing once they were done it mean't some serious "us" time
  • I miss planning vacations together
  • I miss the sweet scent of her perfume long after she has left
  • I miss getting a call just as I'm pulling into the driveway asking me to stop at the grocery store
  • I miss watching sporting events with her and laughing as every single time she rooted for the other team
  • I miss someone to worry about me when I'm feeling under the weather
  • I miss having someone to talk to at the end of the day
  • I miss having a difference of opinion and someone trying to get me to her point of view and accepting that while I might not agree with her's I respect her right to have it....
  • I miss waking at 3am to get a glass of water and feeling her snuggle up to me
  • I miss hearing her laugh
  • I miss her making me laugh
There are times I miss being with someone so much that it feels like my heart will never stop hurting, though I know the pain is temporary and with patience, open eyes, and a full heart I will find someone to bring back all of the above and many more that I didn't mention.
So what do you miss from being in a relationship?

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