Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today's musical recommendation - "Tango Shoes" by Bif Naked

October 4/11

Ok, with that sensational headline I could get a job as editor at the New York Post :)

On the way to work today I was listening to Hot 89.9 with Mauler, Rush, Jenny, and Josie when they had a very interesting conversation about sex and food. Seems a study was done that said something like 60% of woman think about food more than they do about sex.

Now we've all heard that statistic that men think of sex something like 30+ times each day and women not anywhere near that much so the end results of the above conversation were kind of surprising in that Jenny agreed she thinks about food far more often than sex, mostly because she has to plan for one and prefers the other to be more spontaneous, but the four female hotties, the morning shows name for listeners and not mine, who called in all said they think about sex way more often than food.......

Got me to thinking how often I think about sex and the truth is that when I'm not involved with someone I really don't think about it at all....heck I've once gone over a year with no carnal relations and never really noticed or missed that aspect of I'll also admit that when I'm in a relationship that thought does take place way more often and usually centers around thoughts of the times spent together more than upcoming that word and so hard to work into a sentence :)

So now I'm wondering often does sex cross your mind and do you think of food more or less than sex?

Btw.....I'm a total Rush head and would crush most hotties on the "Crush Rush" morning segment :))

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